Why No Signs on Collins?

Simple.  We were not allowed to put our signs on RK property — and it is against the rules to put signs on public property.  So that pretty much covers all of Collins. We have put signs in several other areas, but many of those have simply “disappeared”.

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Looking for documents referenced in the last newsletter?

For any newspaper articles, please see the “Miami Herald” link on the right, or click here:  https://sibreporter.net/category/miami-herald/

For the Public Records regarding the City Manager, please see the “Documents” link on the right or click here: https://sibreporter.net/2010/10/city-manager-memorandum-complaint-and-investigation-report/

For J. Milton invitation to Edelcup’s fundraiser, please see the “Documents” link on the right or click here: https://sibreporter.net/2010/10/milton-invitation-to-edelcup-fundraiser/

For the Solera statement as filed with public records, please see the “Documents” link on the right or click here: Solera_Statement


For the letter from the City Attorney dated January 14, 2009 asking the Attorney General of Florida if OUR REFERENDUM conflicted with the City Charter,  please see the “Documents” link on the right or click here: City.Attorneyl.Letter_to_AG_and Letter_to_AG_Page_2.  For the Attorney General’s Response dated April 9, 2009, you can visit the Office of the Attorney General of Florida website at:  http://www.myfloridalegal.com/ago.nsf/Opinions/16B7FC7950C4324A8525758B0067D6FE.  The response very clearly states:

“A municipal charter may be amended pursuant to a petition initiative to require voter approval of any capital improvement project exceeding $500,000 without conflicting with the city’s constitutional home rule powers.” 

Why then, has the city continued to SPEND OUR TAX DOLLARS to pursue a settled matter?


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Another Isaac, Another Lie

By Jeniffer Viscarra

In a recent mailing to registered voters, Isaac Aelion points to three areas of my condo community that are in disrepair and wants voters to make the false logical leap that, if I am on the Board, then such conditions are my fault.  NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!  Unfortunately, my community of four buildings  suffered years of corrupt boards, both in the individual buildings and the master association.  About three years ago owners stood up, challenged the incumbents, and eventually reclaimed their battered community.   I am PROUD to have been one of those challengers and I am PROUD of my Building’s significant improvement in the two years that I have served on its Board.    I am also PROUD of the strides we have made in the common areas, for which I am only one of nine votes.  I AM PART OF THE SOLUTION to my community’s problems.

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We want to hear from you!

Comment on any of the postings or email us at [email protected] The Sunny Isles Beach Reporter would like it noted that at no time has any Sunny Isles Beach elected official written any articles for the Sunny Isles Beach Reporter while in service of our City. The Sunny Isles Beach Reporter prides itself on being independently For the People, By the People & About the People. We have made every attempt to include only material that is, to our knowledge, totally factual and can be supported by documentation, supplied upon request. We welcome any comments or corrections, if available in writing, and will publish and/or retract anything that can be so shown to have been factually incorrect.

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Isaac Feldman Lies and Misleads

In a letter sent to voters with no poltical affiliation (independents) Isaac Feldman wrote that his opponents are both members of one of the major parties.  I am one of his opponents, and I am and have ALWAYS been registered as an independent.  Having no legitimate attack against me, FELDMAN LIED about my party affiliation. 

Second, Feldman states that his opponents are “each clearly part of a bloc of three.”  Perhaps Feldman is not clear on the commissioner race in which he is involved.  The other Isaac (Feldman’s and my other opponent) is not on my team of three because he is als0 my  opponent and it would be LUDICROUS to run with him. I am running with Michael and Jeanette — each involved in their respective races and NOT FELDMAN’S opponents. 

Though it is unclear which three he is referring to, Feldman goes on to say that we would be a dangerous majority on the commission.  HE FAILS TO SEE THAT THE DANGEROUS MAJORITY IS ALREADY IN PLACE.  He has campaigned with the Mayor and clearly has his support.  FELDMAN WANTS TO BE PART OF THE DANGEROUS MAJORITY and, having no other recourse, he has lied and falsely accused me and my team of the very things he is guilty of.   HOW ABOUT A LITTLE INTEGRITY FOR A CHANGE?


To see Feldman’s letter, click here: Feldman_Letter

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October Surprise: Looking Out for What is Coming in the Mail!

By: Sharon Elster

An October surprise is a news event that has the potential to influence the outcome of an election. Since Election Day falls on a Tuesday, after the first Monday in November, news that breaks in late October has great potential to sway voters. Such an event occurred in Sunny Isles Beach in the November, 2005 election. A flier filled with negative statements against one candidate was received by voters right before the election allowing no time for the candidate to respond to the accusations. The election was close and many felt this last-minute flier affected the outcome. The “winner” of this election was fined $1,250 by the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust who found him in violation of multiple provisions of the Voluntary Statement of Fair Campaign Practices. But the real “losers” in this sorry affair were the voters who deserved the truth about the candidates – not a political smear job.  All of us with the Sunny Isles Beach Reporter have made every effort to bring our readers only factual material that can be documented. We respect our readers enough to do this.

Remember – anything truthful and known about the candidates in Sunny Isles would have already been reported by now! If something suddenly “appears” in your mailbox days before the election that contains allegations that seem serious to you, just think for a moment: WHY is this suddenly being disclosed right before the election when there is no time to respond to it? WHY wasn’t it raised before? We hope that Sunny Isles Beach voters will not be victim to another October surprise; however if that should occur, we trust that our readers will know the difference between the truth and political dirty tricks.

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 If Sunny Isles Beach residents could vote to choose their most beloved and respected public figure, there is no doubt that Police Chief Fred Maas would be the winner by a landslide. He has been an integral part of our community since 1998 and has led our great police force with honor and dignity. It is no surprise that he has been the recipient of many awards – all of them well deserved – and he has earned a very special place in the hearts of everyone in Sunny Isles Beach.

 We wish Chief Maas a healthy and happy retirement.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!




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Moving Billboard

Check out the only moving billboard in Sunny Isles!

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Not registered to vote?

You can fill out the application form provided here:  voter registration

You will find the same document on the Elections Department website: http://www.miamidade.gov/elections/how_register.asp

Please note that you will still have to print and mail in the application!  It takes time to process, so send it in with ample time to get your card in time for election day on NOVEMBER 2, 2010.

We hope this information is helpful!





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Police Department Confirms SIB Reporter’s Statistics

In our second issue, where our candidacy was announced, SIB Reporter noted that in Sunny Isles there were only 5 police officers patrolling at any given time. On numerous occasions, City Hall has denied this fact, stating that there are as many as 30. I personally re-checked the facts with the police department, and there are indeed, at any given time between 5 and seven police officers on duty per shift. I fail to understand City Hall’s denial of a solid, and not necessarily damaging, fact.

By:  Jeniffer Viscarra

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