My Friend Marc Mogil

By Sharon Elster, Editor

I want to say something about former NY Judge Marc Mogil, who is a dear friend and has been targeted on my blog by mean-spirited people with self-serving agendas. An event that took place more than twenty years ago is being used to attack my friend. It is unfair and unconscionable.  The internet has changed our world in many ways but the internet also carries information that does not always tell the whole story.

I met Marc Mogil in 2009 since both he and I are residents of Winston Towers. We became involved in the 2010 Sunny Isles Beach election and it was during that time I founded the Sunny Isles Beach Reporter. Marc Mogil is a brilliant man and as an unpaid volunteer has given of his time freely and most generously. In all these years he has never benefited financially. His input and contributions have been invaluable to every single one of us. Marc has gone on many 12 hour ride-alongs with our top-notch Sunny Isles Beach police. Our officers and Chief of Police Maas have come to know and respect Marc for his strong support of our City’s finest.

Marc has worked with the candidates he feels would do the best job for you and our City. Again, always as an unpaid volunteer. The very people who make these negative comments wish they had Marc Mogil on their team.

Because we are such a small City, our elected officials can have a much more direct impact on our quality of life than they would in a larger city.  And as we all know there are politicians and their cronies who have not always acted in the best interests of their constituents. Some of the issues we face today are the result of decisions made by previous administrations since we became a City.

It is people like Marc Mogil who watch out for the rest of us by offering their talents and capabilities, gratis. Not one penny of your tax dollar ever went into the pocket of Marc Mogil and since he is NOT a candidate for office, he does not deserve to be attacked by candidates or by their operatives.

Finally, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Editor’s Note: No comments will be accepted for this article.


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By Sharon Elster, Editor

Apparently the word is out. Highly regarded blogger Stephanie Kienzle of takes a hard look at Greg Capra. Here is her riveting report!





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What’s Best For Our City: Observations on a Commission Race

By:  Marc Mogil, J.D.

As someone who was twice elected as a criminal court Judge in New York (10 years of service), exposed to both the vagaries of election politics and all types of personalities appearing before me, I’ve come to understand what constitutes a qualified candidate for public office. In doing so, I actively supported Mayor Bud Scholl for election, and was proven correct as he prevailed and is doing a magnificent job. I also have involved myself with the Sunny Isles Beach Police Department, becoming fast friends with our renowned Chief Fred Maas, and spending many full shifts riding along with our officers to see and compare how they do their jobs on patrol. Some were so extraordinary in dealing with their difficult and dangerous tasks and the public that I wrote about them to friends in Congress, and one piece was even inserted by Congressman Lee Zeldin into the “Congressional Record.”

In that light, I’ve quietly observed our Commissioners, and have become close to most. One who especially has impressed me is Commissioner Dana Goldman, a family woman who has gone out of her way to deal inter alia, with the issues of traffic studies to improve traffic flow, understanding the issues and needs facing seniors, preventing high rise building on the west side of Collins Avenue, and seeking to cull out students who illegally and fraudulently have been placed in our K-8 school from other cities, costing our taxpayers a great deal of money and overcrowding.

A graduate of the noted Brandeis University, and George Washington Law School, this practicing erudite attorney, who has volunteered in our City government for many years, has become experienced and knowledgeable in the issues facing us, paving her way for deserved elective office here. She is not an unqualified newcomer with far less of an education nor lack of governmental experience seeking office.

In her re-election bid, she is facing Gregory Capra. From his own releases and public records available to anyone at our City Hall and in New York, I noted the following:

1.   As far as one can tell, he never went to college and is merely a high school graduate, which would make him the least educated person on our Commission;

2.   He has not served on any volunteer committees in our City, and until he declared his candidacy by attacking Dana Goldman, did not even attend one Commission meeting so as to understand how our City works;

3.   Instead of being able to say he saved us tax dollars in some way, he and his wife have COST the City quite a bit, by causing our police to be summoned to his home on at least 25 occasions over the years. The issues as stated in the police reports (personally obtained and available to anyone here under Freedom of Information), were various types of disorderly conduct and public rancorous arguments with neighbors, and one time with Fire Department EMT personnel who sought to take Mrs. Capra to the hospital for an acute alcoholic episode prompting an embarrassing scene. One need only mention the name Capra at Police Headquarters to elicit a knowing response;

4.   It appears his only campaign issue is attacking his opponent, Commissioner Goldman, over her suing her condo board when he was President, since they have been long-time antagonists. I personally obtained and checked Court files and saw that the only reason her case was dismissed, with very high costs, was that her attorney failed to file a 30-day procedural notice — an issue of malpractice by the Goldman’s attorney  There was NEVER a substantive decision on the merits.

Aside from attacking Commissioner Goldman and misstating a non-endorsement from former Commissioner Roz Brezin, (who personally told me she was livid at that act), he has, to date, little discussed substantive issues  facing our City, nor his qualifications to serve.

As such, considering all the above, I am proud to support Commissioner Dana Goldman. As far as I’m concerned, there really is no choice when it comes to their comparative educations, experience, personalities, characters, community service, and fitness to serve!



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I am Roz Brezin, former Commissioner of Sunny Isles Beach. I read Greg Capra’s email to voters dated October 17th, 2016 and at this time I would like to make what I said very clear and correct the inaccuracies in his email.

What I actually said was that I appreciated the fact that he came forth in wanting to be a commissioner but there were several inaccuracies in his statements. I told him that experience was very important in order to direct the many issues facing the City. I said that as far as I knew he had never served on a committee nor had he ever attended a commission meeting. Mr. Capra agreed he had not.

I told him that in the future if he gained experience or showed an interest in the affairs of the City he could run for whatever he chose, as anyone could. As far as Greg Capra and I becoming good friends, I cannot establish a friendship with anyone who misrepresents what I say.

At this time Greg Capra does not have my support or my vote. I don’t believe Mr. Capra’s email accurately reflected what I said.

Roz Brezin

Editor’s Note: Commissioner Roz Brezin has been an integral member of our community since the early years of our becoming a municipality. She actively participated in civic affairs before she was an elected official, serving as commissioner and then vice-mayor. This most admired lady epitomizes the highest attributes in public service.

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By The Sunny Isles Beach Reporter – Sharon Elster, Editor

On Wednesday evening, September 28, 2016, a Candidate’s Forum was held at Sunny Isles Beach Government Center giving voters the chance to meet and learn about the candidates running for Seat 1 [Northern District] Mendel Bergovoy and Larisa Svechin; and Seat 3 [Southern District] Greg Capra and incumbent Dana Goldman. This well-attended event was organized by the newly formed Concerned Citizens of Sunny Isles Beach.

The evening moved at a lively pace holding everyone’s interest thanks to an excellent job by moderator Brian Andrews. Candidates were allowed 1 minute to respond to each question giving the audience an opportunity to decide which candidates were best informed on important issues affecting our City. Towards the end, a round of questions submitted by citizens were put in a basket, randomly chosen by audience members, then given to a candidate to answer. Unfortunately many of those questions were disqualified for being directed to or about a specific candidate. For future events, clearer rules should be given on the correct form of questions, and we also suggest this be televised, making it available to all Sunny Isles Beach voters.

We use a four part criteria – civic involvement, educational/professional qualifications, work/professional history and personal character to determine how we make our selections. After careful review of all the candidates, The Sunny Isles Beach Reporter recommends and endorses the following two candidates we believe will best serve our community.

Commissioner Dana Goldman [Seat 3] has proven herself to be an outstanding member of the Commission. She has performed her duties as Commissioner with integrity and has worked tirelessly to support those issues that improve our quality of life.

Whether the debate is over responsible development of our City and preventing high rise building on the west side of Collins Avenue; traffic and safety concerns [she encouraged a traffic reduction survey]; taking on serious condominium issues like fraud; overcrowding and pressing to reduce the number of illegal out-of-district students in our Norman S. Edelcup K-8 School where her own daughter is a student; or meeting the needs of our senior residents; Commissioner Dana Goldman will always go that extra mile to do what she believes is right.

Dana Goldman’s gracious and caring demeanor combined with her impeccable law credentials [she is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Brandeis University and graduate of George Washington School of Law], her multifaceted work experience and her ability to interact so well with people has made her an invaluable asset to our City. She is one of the finest elected officials to ever serve and we believe she is most worthy of your vote.

Larisa Svechin [Seat 1] made a solid impression with her intelligent and informed responses on the issues this City faces. Her deep ties to this community and the efforts she has already put forth are duly noted and much appreciated.

Larisa is an accomplished business professional. She held the position of Senior Vice President at the largest media agency in the world. Her dedication in serving the public includes leadership roles with such organizations as Miami Beach Jewish Federation; Citizen’s Coalition for Public Education; Sunny Isles Beach Exploratory Committee for the Comprehensive Plan; former Board President of Friends of Oleta River Park; Board Member of Sunny Isles Beach Foundation; and the Sunny Isles Beach School Trust.

Larisa Svechin is the highly regarded President of our P.T.A. and well known in our community. Her commitment to education benefits all of us. Larisa is married and the mother of four children. It is fair to say that she has a vested interest in Sunny Isles Beach and will make an excellent addition to the Sunny Isles Beach Commission.

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South Beach B-Girls Fraud on “AMERICAN GREED” airs Thursday, May 19th at 10PM

We have received a press release from the production offices of the “American Greed” television show that a local news story we first reported on [SIBReporter archives: May 16, 2013] will be featured on CNBC, this Thursday, May 19th at 10:00P.M. The episode will go behind the scenes into the FBI undercover investigation of the South Beach B-Girl fraud scheme and the hundreds of men victimized and defrauded of more than two million dollars. This promises to be a fascinating documentary you won’t want to miss.

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By The Sunny Isles Beach Reporter – Sharon Elster, Editor

As the great Yogi Berra once said, “It ain’t over til it’s over.” We can finally report to our readers that a lawsuit filed on November 17, 2014 by Lewis J. Thaler against Sunny Isles Beach Mayor George “Bud” Scholl, Jane Hines as City Clerk and other government agencies involved in certifying the election results of November 4, 2014 has been ruled in favor of Mayor Scholl by the 11th Circuit Court.

The 56 year old Mayor Scholl soundly defeated 78 year old Thaler in the November 2014 election. Mr. Thaler and his inner circle of advisors, unhappy with the election results, decided to file a lawsuit for a redo election despite the fact that Mayor Scholl’s victory had been certified and all election regulations and laws of our City, County and State judiciously followed.

So much time and effort by good people who serve our City went into dealing with this lawsuit and tens of thousands of dollars was spent defending the City against Mr. Thaler’s failed lawsuit. The City’s legal bill from Holland & Knight is in excess of $49,000 in addition to the personal financial cost to Mayor Scholl defending himself and the election results. At least Mr. Thaler chose not to appeal the Court’s decision, which would have driven the costs even higher.

The certified election results of November 4, 2014 are now officially upheld by the 11th Circuit Court declaring Mayor Scholl the undisputed winner. It’s unfortunate that Mayor Scholl and his family had to endure the burden of such a lawsuit, but our very popular Mayor has taken this in stride with his usual good grace.

Access Court Hearing, Final Summary Judgment and Financial documents below.

022516_HonorableKreeger_Hrg_PDF for E-Filing201603161120(1)




Continue reading



By The Sunny Isles Beach Reporter – Sharon Elster, Editor

From the moment Donald Trump announced he was running for President, politicians on both sides of the aisle, along with the media and powerful special interest groups began a vicious campaign to vilify and destroy him. Newspapers and network/cable news deliver a steady stream of innuendos, intentional misquotes and unfair criticism aimed directly at Mr. Trump. Yet while his detractors pound away at Trump the Billionaire and his at times politically incorrect rhetoric, Trump’s poll numbers continue to soar. Deeply frustrated and angry with the state of our union, Trump’s steadfast supporters applaud his gutsy and honest assessment of our nation’s problems. He says exactly what they feel. That people believe in Donald Trump is evident by the massive crowds (including an estimated 20% of Democrat crossover voters) who attend each of his rallies. His recent stunning victories in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada have the opposition reeling. Donald Trump is undeniably the dominant force in this race – unstoppable, unsinkable and invincible.

I recently had the opportunity to interview Eric Sacher who worked for The Trump Organization in New York for eighteen years, serving the last ten as Assistant Controller. In his book, Trump: Think Like A Billionaire, Donald Trump referred to Eric Sacher as “A financial guru within my organization.” What follows is a question and answer session that provides a fascinating peek into the man who may well become the 45th President of the United States.

SIB Reporter:  What most impresses you about Donald Trump – his most important  character traits?

Eric Sacher:  Mr. Trump is a natural born leader who has combined street smarts with a first-class education and a keen knowledge gained from running one of the great real estate organizations for forty years. His strongest character trait is his natural ability to size up people and situations and make the right decisions quickly, based on what has been presented to him and his gut feel about the presenter.

SIB Reporter:  What is the most special memory you have of Donald Trump?

Eric Sacher:  I observed his amazing leadership keeping our company employees calm on September 11, 2001. We spent the day together watching events unfold and we actually witnessed the collapse of the second tower coming down from Mr. Trump’s office. He addressed all of us instilling a feeling that our country would get through this and we would all be alright. It was his steadiness and strength that helped us stay calm and get through a truly tough day.

SIB Reporter:  More than 90% of Sunny Isles Beach residents live in condominiums.  Mismanagement and fraud are serious problems that directly affect homeowners. You were on the Board of several of Trump’s buildings in NYC. What steps did he take to prevent this?

Eric Sacher:  Mr. Trump owned several apartments in a building where there were ongoing disputes with the Board including impending litigation causing much concern to residents. We mounted a campaign to remove the entire Board. This included hiring professional ballot counters to ensure an accurate vote. We held the necessary meeting and stayed well past midnight until every vote was counted. Mr, Trump won and we were able to remove the entire Board. The next morning I had the pleasure to spend a few minutes with Mr. Trump who thanked me for my contribution in this effort. It always made me feel good to have pleased him.  He can inspire you to go that extra mile for him because you know he is always fighting for what he believes in and you just want to do the same.  Mr. Trump saw to it that his buildings were run in a first-class manner and to the highest standard.

SIB Reporter:  Did Donald Trump treat his female employees fairly and did he provide ample opportunities for women to rise up the corporate ladder?

Eric Sacher:  When I started my position with Trump back in 1990, women already held key positions in the company.  One was corporate counsel.  A group were involved in Residential Sales, another was working on a large development in Los Angeles.  As time went on we always had women in key positions. In Mr. Trump’s eyes, it was his judgment of who could best get the job done, not the gender of the person doing the job.

SIB Reporter:  Does Donald Trump relate well with his employees and how does he bring out the best in people?

Eric Sacher:  Mr. Trump relates well with all his employees and he brings out the best in people by the example he sets. He will challenge you to go as far as your ability will take you and then encourages you to go even further to achieve greater and greater goals. At the end of the day you try as hard as possible because you are doing it for him as well as yourself.

SIB Reporter:  Do you think Donald Trump has strong family values?

Eric Sacher:  As you can see from the campaign, all of Mr. Trump’s children are there working alongside him to get to the presidency. He has unusually strong family ties with his immediate family as well as his siblings and he was extremely devoted to both his parents.

SIB Reporter:  Who do you think would be a better friend/ally to Israel – Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

Eric Sacher:  Donald Trump has always been a solid supporter of Israel.  His daughter Ivanka is a converted Orthodox Jew.  Who do you think would be a better friend to Israel?

The policies of the current administration were implemented during the first four years when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Those policies were some of the most blatantly anti-Israel in many years. There is no question that Mr. Trump understands what a reliable stable ally Israel is and how important they are to an ever-volatile Middle East. There is no doubt that Donald Trump will be a great friend to Israel, in the tradition of past Republican presidents.

SIB Reporter:  Do you think Donald Trump would be a great President and who would you like to see as his running mate?

Eric Sacher:  I’ll take the last part of the question first. I would like to see Mr. Trump run with Chris Christie. They are both cut from the same cloth and would make a great team. However from a political viewpoint, the best choice to ensure a victory in those states needed to win the electoral college would be John Kasich.

I believe our country has been through a very scary seven years. It is now time to right the ship of state because we simply cannot afford to continue along the same path of the current administration. Mr. Trump will be more than just a president; having him in office will make him the CEO of the United States, something this country truly needs. Under Obama, domestic and international economic policies have become a mess. There is no one more capable and qualified than Donald Trump. He has already addressed his feelings on immigration which is a crucial aspect of our nation’s security that has been virtually ignored by weak ineffective career politicians. It is time to build a wall, to be in control of our own destiny and, as Mr. Trump promises make America great again.

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Boiler Room Explosion At Chateau Beach Condominium

By Sharon Elster, Editor

Update on the 34th floor boiler room explosion at Chateau Beach Condominium on 174th Street and Collins Avenue. Although earlier news stated that dozens more had been injured, latest reports list eight people injured including two Miami-Dade Firefighters. The likely cause of the explosion was a gas leak, however the building’s general contractor disputed that there had been a leak. Area residents who for many months had observed what seemed to be a flawless operation as construction of this luxury structure neared completion, were in disbelief that this could happen.  For more details go to:

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OP-ED – “Reflections: Police as Targets and Scapegoats” by Marc Mogil, J.D.

If I had any residual questions previously, my personal and extensive one-on-one meetings with our Chief of Police and thorough analysis of the job he’s done during more than 40 years of serving the people of south Florida, convinces me that we in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida have one of the most professional, competent, and best trained police forces in the nation.   The Department was organized from the ground up at our City’s incorporation in 1997 by this quintessential definition of a dedicated American ‘lawman’ in the traditional sense of the word:  Chief Fred “E” Maas — “E” for the epitome of Elegance, Empathy, Eloquence, and Efficiency.  We are now recognized by the FBI’s crime statistics as one of the safest places to live in the USA.  Not surprisingly, “Chief Fred” has been decorated from his earliest days with Miami-Dade Police, serving on the Governor’s Council on Violent Crime and Drug Control, and was honored by Pope Benedict in 2008 with the highest award from the Vatican for lifetime dedication to law enforcement by being made a Knight of St. Sylvester.   We’re truly fortunate to have this unique public servant with us.

Broadening the perspective to what he accomplished, I recently renewed my observation of police practices here in comparison to other cities I’ve analyzed by being granted ‘ride-alongs’ with our officers in patrol cars during their 12-hour shifts.  That tradition began while I was attending law school in Indiana in the early 1970’s (and still had hair on my head!), frequently accompanying Indianapolis police officers at night on their tours. Continuing this in other cities aided my understanding of street issues as a new criminal trial lawyer.

Aside from many years of a private law practice and unique multi-lingual operations as a contractor for a federal agency, I experienced being a New York State Special Prosecutor and Special Assistant Attorney General, and then an elected criminal trial Judge for ten years.  Looking back upon 45 years of interacting with law enforcement officers and field agents in many places and for many branches of government, I recognize highly capable ones when I see them, (cognizant too that there is occasionally a ‘bad apple’ in some barrels).

Applying all of that to the very recent ride-alongs, it began here with Police Officer Mitch Glansberg, an honored 29-year veteran and formerly Chief in another local city before he joined our elite department.  The following week, on to the “night squad” with whom I separately rode for their respective tours this month, and was privileged to view our drug-sniffing canine “Rocko” in action.  Many of the officers had military training, and all have concerned families of their own (including the Chief).  I found each to be highly organized, professional, knowledgeable about the law, quick to assist their colleagues voluntarily, friendly to the public, and very respectful of our culturally diverse international city they serve.  I saw their dedication to the public, and the peoples’ trust and positive reactions to them everywhere we rode.

I was especially taken early on day #1 to see the courtesy and consideration Officer Glansberg gave to a young and very nervous first-time arrestee we were transporting to the County Jail for a non-violent Grand Theft charge and arraignment: in return, the defendant reacted to us both most courteously and with obvious appreciation. (Frankly, coming from New York, that was a bit of a shocker!). Glansberg also pointed out to me on our travels several homeless men who were wearing specific items of clothing he had personally donated to them at his own expense: a man with a heart.  These officers in Sunny Isles Beach are among many whom I’ve found to reflect refinement, restraint, strength, and expertise in problem resolution.  In sum, I am truly privileged to be considered as friend to so many of our men and women who serve us on the front lines of law enforcement.

Unfortunately, I also have witnessed unwarranted attacks against police nationwide by agenda-driven media and “community activist” so-called ‘progressive’ politicians, further disparaging well-intentioned officers wrongly accused of improprieties and intentionally inciting animus and discord. The 21st century has clearly shown that one will rarely see an equal or even remotely balanced amount of coverage in the media of commendable professional police conduct, nor opining a grave injustice perpetrated upon innocent officers, unless circumstances FORCE them to do so:

For instance, we all recall two officers shot by a sniper in Ferguson, Missouri for which our President only “tweeted” his concern — no personal phone calls to their families, no press conferences saying if he had a son he could have been “one of them,” no organized protests, no immediate federal civil rights investigation;

We witnessed a heinous preplanned ambush  murders in New York City of two police officers merely eating lunch in their marked police car on a public street;

Just this month, we yet again saw a Boston police officer, a selfless primary first-responder and life-saver after the Boston Marathon terrorist bombing, shot point-blank in the face during a routine traffic stop by a violent career criminal who previously shot at police in 2001 but was back out on the street.  Other officers killed this scum on the spot with return fire.  As of today, the officer is clinging to life: a fighter and a good man.  But what was the sub-human cretin shooter doing still running free after all those years of a violent criminal history?  Who allowed him to get out of prison all those previous times? As a former judge, I find this incredulous: beyond comprehension!

I fully understand and appreciate the physical risks police are exposed to daily, even in an upscale city such as ours on the beach with a low crime rate.  For example, a trainee and his supervisor here in Sunny Isles Beach recently befriended and then grabbed a suicidal mentally ill intoxicated man, pulling him down off a drawbridge before he could kill himself and them along with him.  Little thought for their own safety.  Owing to their automatic bravery, both were named “Officers of the Year” by Miami-Dade County for 2014. I’m proud of those two.

But public cognition and educational standards have degenerated geometrically all over America since I first began to interact with police officers.  Political circumstances have gotten far more polarized, especially in the last six years, with hypocrisy and an adversarial tone emanating from the highest echelons of our often clueless federal government:

We all saw, for example, the “hands-up-don’t-shoot” travesty, an allegation decimated by both a Grand Jury AND the Federal Civil Rights Division of the US Justice Department:  an outright fabrication by miscreants and professional agitators sympathetic to the perpetrator and hateful of police in general.  Despite demands for the officer’s firing and imprisonment (after all, cops don’t deserve trials, right?), both agencies held the officer was assaulted through his open car window first, and reacted within the law to protect his own life. The “hands-up” garbage was just that!  The problem was that the nationwide riots that ensued immediately after the event were encouraged by The White House and outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, as well as professional race-baiters who have had regular private access to both of them.

We also all saw the Miami Beach Police Department accused of an “execution murder” a few years ago after they shot to death a repeat felon who tried to run down and kill several of them with his car and refused to stop and exit it during turmoil at “Urban Beach Week.” The press and “the usual suspects” had a field-day calling those officers “murderous cowboys” who should have been prosecuted.  Result of an official investigation?  They acted properly.  Again.

It is therefore rare when someone with potential public impact visibly stands up for these men and women of law enforcement since (as I’ve personally found when I was on the Bench), it can be a very risky affair to ones career to do so.  But it does happen from time-to-time, since there are some of us out there still in awe of our founding forefathers and the American tradition of individualism, hard work, and adherence to the Constitution, rather than admirers of Snowdenesque treason, sedition, and socialism, with government welfare handouts expected and demanded by some:  cradle-to-grave suckling on the public teat at taxpayers’ largesse.

Consider for instance, the below portion of an important New York judicial opinion written way back in 1989, obiter dicta in a difficult criminal case in which an officer risked his life while patrolling alone at night. After publication, the author — a twice elected Judge — was lambasted and apparently permanently targeted for removal from the bench by the uber-liberal New York media and arrogant, effete, appointed and highly ambitious press-seeking wannabe politicians and their political sycophants: all for his taking a “politically incorrect” (albeit highly moral) position in this and other issues, overtly supporting police officers and recognizing the inherent dangers of their jobs.  That portion of his decision:

“As Euripides wrote in “Iphigenia in Taurus” some 2400 years ago, “a coward turns away, but a brave man’s choice is danger.”  This seems particularly apropos when applied to a modern day police officer who walks alone in the unknown, the threatening.

Troubling times: police officers increasingly victims of  unmerited abuse, provocation and profanity; increasing numbers being maimed or killed during what starts out as a “routine traffic stop;” assassinated….while sitting in their own marked patrol vehicles by street slime who live by their own rules.

As if this weren’t troubling enough, certain…individuals who should know better — from the quite secure and isolated Olympian perches —retrospectively negatively critique…split-second decisions and undertake semantic machinations in evaluating procedure over substance.

Where are [the] priorities, and where should they be?  How many of us have walked a mile in a police officer’s shoes?  Alone?  How many have attended a murdered officer’s funeral, someone we knew personally and not just a faceless name…?  I venture to speculate very few.

This Court will hopefully never join the very limited ranks of the prospectively myopic, supporting eloquent 20/20 hindsight. Instead, I will continue to affirm the mainstream of the middle-American mandate: determinations of and for the law abiding, hardworking people…who have periodically placed their elective trust in our local criminal courts to uphold the legal system, common sense, and to keep streets secure from recidivist vermin who have come adroit in manipulating the procedural variables within the system so as to often walk free in the face of blatant guilt.

I would manifest the epitome of unconscionability, of quintessential gall, were this Court, cognizant of these factors, to abrogate that trust.”

—-Quoted from the opinion in People of The State of New York v. Joseph G. Pitti, Nassau County District Court, published in the official New York Law Journal, February 23, 1989, page 30.

The above author was the undersigned …….. that opinion written during my third of ten elected years on the highest level criminal trial Bench of the State of New York.

All of the above makes clear to me that a pungent and pervasive sense of crime-causing “entitlement” has contaminated our culture; our demographic nadir and most dangerous among us sadly and wrongly espouse themselves “victims” and ergo “justified” in despising and violently attacking our homeland, historical standards, and the police who enforce America’s laws.  Some now even proudly and openly call themselves “enemies of Capitalist America,” and espouse “Occupy America” churlishness.  This all must be changed before America begins to “circle the drain” like many other societies before us throughout history, whose sense of right and wrong, good and evil, became irrevocably skewed.

In sum, I can only state how grateful we should all be to Chief of Police Maas and men and women like him across America who willingly risk their lives 24/7 to serve our citizens.  They protect us from both common property criminals, as well as feral violent recidivists who in some locations actually are tolerated (and at times even encouraged by professional agitators) to run amok without appropriate legal retribution by supercilious, Orwellian apologists for our country’s history and the American justice system.

These law officers — targets all since they are on the front lines of defending law-abiding Americans — certainly deserve neither disdain nor retrospective critique from those safely ensconced in ivory towers, in front of TV cameras, or behind desks or media keyboards safely writing convoluted and naively slanted columns for the talking heads of third-rate excuses for newspaper columnists.  Rather, police officers merit our unwavering appreciation and support as loyal Americans, and our awareness of the traditional and touching parting words almost always used amongst them — “STAY SAFE.”

Audaces Fortuna Iuvat.

**On May 13, 2015, Congressman Lee Zeldin of New York gave the following speech in which he quoted directly from this article on the House Floor:



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