Have You Seen Us?

Our dedicated volunteers are all over the city alerting Sunny Isles Citizens of the run-off election.  Feel free to approach them!  They will be happy to give you information and print material, including signs for your car, which you can access here: https://sibreporter.net/2010/11/vote-for-190-car-sign/

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La Integridad Que Se Merece Sunny Isles

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For Our Russian Friends: Сообщение от Дженифер Вискарра, кандидата на четвертую должность в городском комитете Внимание

Дорогие друзья Сани Айлс Бич, 

Хочу принести вам мою благодарность за избирательные голоса которые вы отдали Дженифер

Вскарра (# 190) и за помощь в опережении ее соперников на прошедших выборах. Тем не

менее нам предстоят дополнительные выборы на четвертую должность (Seat #4) в городском

комитете так как в предыдущих выборах было 3 кандидата которые разделили выборное место.

Не смотря на то что Дженифер набрала большее количество голосов ей нужно подтвердить свою

кандидатуру на дополнительных выборах назначненных на 7 декабря 2010 г. По требованию

Городского Устава Дженифер необходимо набрать свыше 50% голосов для прохождения в

городской комитет. Следовательно Дженифер предстоит опередить другого кандидата на второе

место повторно 7 декабря 2010г. 

Почему голосовать за Дженифер повторно

  • Она – выбор полиции города
  • Она посвятила свою взрослую жизнь помощи людям в качестве добровольца,
  • образователя и адвоката
  • Она будет вашим голосом в Сани Айлс Бич

 Для дополнительной информации и новостей пожалуйста посетите веб сайт www.sibreporter.net.

Если вам необходим бюллетень для заочного голосования обратитесь за ним с просьбой в

Департамент по проведению выборов до Дня Благодарения по телефону (305) 499 8444 .

 Сани Айлс Бич заслуживает настоящего лидера.

 Голосуйте за Дженифер Вискарра (#190) 7 декабря!

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Amigos, voten por Jeniffer Viscarra, Su Voz en Sunny Isles

Estimados Amigos de Sunny Isles Beach:

Muchas gracias por votar por JENIFFER VISCARRA (#190) y ayudarla a derrotar a sus contrincantes en las elecciones recientes.  No obstante, falta otra elección más para decidir quién ocupará finalmente el asiento #4 de la Comisión Municipal, porque había tres candidatos que dividieron el voto.  A pesar de que Jeniffer Viscarra triunfó, ella se ve obligada a ganar nuevamente en una segunda elección con más del 50% de los votos el siete (7) de Diciembre para cumplir con un requisito de los Estatutos de la Ciudad (City Charter).  Por tanto, Jeniffer tendrá que volver a derrotar al candidato que quedó  en segundo lugar en las pasadas elecciones el siete (7) de Diciembre.

Vote por Jeniffer Viscarra nuevamente porque:

  • Es la candidata elegida por la Policía.
  • Ha dedicado su vida a ayudar a sus semejantes como voluntaria, educadora y abogada.
  • Votantes en el distrito que representará  , los que la conocen y trabajan con ella, la apoyaron con un margen decisivo. 
  • JENIFFER Será  su voz en Sunny Isles.

Para información actualizada, favor de visitar esta pagina web amenudo. 

Si desea una boleta ausente, baje la planilla de en nuestra pagina web o solicite una llamando al Departamento de Elecciones al 305-499-8444 ANTES DETHANKSGIVING”.

 Vote por JENIFFER VISCARRA (#190) el siete (7) de Diciembre!

Para la integridad y respeto que Sunny Isles se merecy.

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Jeniffer Viscarra: Your City ~ Your Voice

Dear Friends of Sunny Isles Beach,

Thank you so very much for voting for JENIFFER VISCARRA (#190) and helping her defeat both her opponents in the recent elections.   However, there still remains a run-off election for Commission Seat #4 because there were three candidates who split the vote.  Even though JENIFFER VISCARRA prevailed, she will have to do it again on DECEMBER 7th with more than 50% of votes as required by the City Charter.  Therefore, Jeniffer will have to beat the second place candidate one more time and she will need you help on December 7th


  • She is law enforcement’s choice.
  • She has devoted her adult life to helping others as a volunteer, educator, and attorney.
  • Voters in the district she will represent, those who know and work with her, supported her by a decisive margin. 
  • JENIFFER will be your voice in Sunny Isles.   

Check this website regularly for campaign updates.    If you need an absentee ballot, download the form from our website (https://sibreporter.net/2010/11/absentee-ballots/) or request one by calling the Department of Elections at 305-499-8444 BEFORE THANKSGIVING.                                                  



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A Message From Commissioner-Elect Jeanette Gatto

Dear Friends, 

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the voters who have given me the privilege to represent the citizens of Sunny Isles Beach in our local government. I would also like to thank all the volunteers who dedicated much of their personal time for the campaign. I promise to work hard to represent the interests of all the citizens of Sunny Isles. 

Some of you may know that my running mate, Jeniffer Viscarra, succeeded in gaining the most votes over her two opponents for Commission Seat #4. However due to the fact that she did not reach the 50% mark, there will be a runoff election held on December 7, 2010. 

I urge all of you to please get out and vote, or apply for an absentee ballot request before the Thanksgiving weekend.  You can find all the information you need for voting at sibreporter.net or click here: http://www.miamidade.gov/elections/voting_absentee.asp

Having known Jeniffer for quite some time she is clearly the best candidate to serve her district. She has spent most of her adult years volunteering which is why she has gained a reputation as someone who unselfishly gives back to the community. She is also one of the brightest people I’ve ever met and a first class attorney in the areas of family law and immigration. All in all, she is a stand up person and one I fully endorse to join me on the Commission. 

Once again, thanks to all of you for your help and support. And please vote for Jeniffer Viscarra (#190) for Commission Seat #4 on December 7th.

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Supporters’ Comments

Comment:  The last thing this city needs or deserves is another insider at the dais. Jennifer is genuinely an independent-minded thinker that is running to serve this city for all the right reasons. She deserves our vote and we deserve someone of her caliber representing us. — Tony

Comment: The most important reason to elect Jeniffer Viscarra is obvious. She is simply the BEST QUALIFIED of the two candidates. Jeniffer is a highly respected attorney, she is also a university professor, and she has a solid record of volunteer work. Jeniffer has accomplished so much and with all that she brings to the table this is an easy decision for voters. She has a great deal to offer our community – we need Jeniffer to be our next Commissioner. — Sara

Comment:  I’d like to say that you always offer valid information and I have been a fascinated reader of your site for quite some time. I wanted to say thank you really 🙂 for all the good work you do!

Comment:  Congratulations Jeanette and Jeniffer. Voters from SIB lets come out in droves to support the re-run election of Jeniffer.  We need a latino woman to represent us in our City. Jeniffer sera nuestro orgullo!! — Melanie

Comment:  I wanted to write you after our meeting last Sunday  to wish you good luck in your election.  As too often happens, time and life got away from me.  Even though you did not win this race for Mayor of Sunny Isles Beach, you certainly had a very respectable showing.  I’m sure Mayor Edelcup knows that you will only grow in recognition and popularity.  So look at this campaign was a valuable learning curve for your future success.  I like your tenacity and hope you will continue your activism and interaction with the residents of Sunny Isles as well as its neighboring residents and organizations.  Please know that you can always call on your new found friends at Haulover Beach.  With Jeanette’s win, we will be helping to get Jeniffer elected in her upcoming run-off.  Since I’m sure you’ll be helping as well, I expect we’ll see you again soon.  You are to be commended for having courage and a well run race.  Shirley

Comment: These mid-term elections have been about changing the establishment, and reminding incumbents of their fellow citizens who put them in office, all across the US. There is no one I know who embodies more the spirit of fairness, hard work and desire to help her fellow citizen, than Jeniffer. Good Luck on the run-off election. — Ari

Comment: Go go go!!! Tu lo lograras!  — Alba

Comment: One step closer … good wishes and prayers still coming your way! — Angela

Comment: Excellent News!  Let’s do this! — Marcia

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Jeanette Wins and Jeniffer Is Headed For A Run-Off

Dear Supporters,

THANK YOU!  Voters came out in full force yesterday and elected Jeanette Gatto for City Commission Seat #2.  With a total of 1183 votes ( http://results.enr.clarityelections.com/FL/Dade/22352/39231/en/md.html?cid=0165)  Jeniffer Viscarra was able to beat out her two Isaac opponents.  However, because Sunny Isles requires a vote of more than 50%, there will be a run-off on December 7th and voters will have an opportunity to ELECT JENIFFER AGAIN.  Please stay tuned as we continue to fight for our beautiful city!

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You Can Vote With and Absentee Ballot This Time Too

If you wish to vote via absentee ballot, you can do it by phone, mail, email, or fax.  DO NOT WAIT TO REQUEST THE BALLOT.  It takes time to process the request.  You should definately do it BEFORE THANKSGIVING.  To see the Absentee Ballot policies for phone, fax, and email, click here:   ab_request_policy-en[1]  You can access the actual request form by clicking here:  absentee_ballot_request_eng-sp[1]  or by visiting Miami-Dade County Elections at:    http://www.miamidade.gov/elections/voting_absentee.asp.  The form is in English and Spanish.  



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