Please visit—The-War-Between-The-Shul-%26-The-Mayor.html and read about Rabbi Lankry’s efforts to prevent the City of Sunny Isles Beach from designating Temple B’Nai Zion a historical site.  Such a designation would place many unwanted restrictions that would negatively impact its growth.  That is probably why the church declined the “honor”.  The temple, however, was not given a choice.  The forced designation has been an incredible imposition on the temple and affected the community it serves.     

At the bottom of the article is a link to a petition.  Please participate! 

To go directly to the petition, click here:


Religious Discrimination Lawsuit Filed Against City of Sunny Isles Beach

By Sharon Elster, Editor

As I predicted in the Sunny Isles Beach Reporter, Issue #3 in my article, “An Attack By City Hall On Property Rights Of A Jewish House Of Worship,” a lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Temple B’Nai Zion charging the City and Mayor Norman Edelcup, with violation of the synagogue’s First and Fourteenth Amendment and Federal religious land use rights stemming from the City’s 2010 decision to designate the synagogue’s property as a historic landmark, a decision which was fiercely contested by the synagogue’s leader.

Illegal landmarking of private property has been tried before and has been defeated on appeal in Federal Courts in other cities costing taxpayers millions of dollars. We will keep our readers informed of developments in this lawsuit. We believe Temple B’Nai Zion will ultimately prevail in this matter.

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Photos From Election Day

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As Per Unofficial Results We Were Short 80 Votes

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Thank you all for your encouragement, help, and support in this run-off election.  We worked hard on a small budget and we have a lot to be proud of.  First, whatever the official results end up being, this was a very close race, which is a big deal considering what we were up against.  We were ambitious yet clean.  Though many will probably tell me I may have been too clean, that is not something I will ever regret.  Throughout my life, I have always been the kind of person I would want to have in whatever role I happen to be.  Simply put, I treat others the way I would like to be treated.  And I was the candidate I would have come out and supported.  It was a worthwhile and quite educational experience.

That said, I send a very special thank you to the PBA, whose support in the camapaign and election day was absolutely wonderful.  Together, we accomplished something very special.

Voters, we got far because of you, and for that I am grateful.  But your job has just begun.  Now it is a matter of keeping City Hall accountable.  Stay informed, ask questions, and stay tuned to the SIB Reporter.  We too have only gotten started!

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The World According To Isaac

In his latest mailing, where he compares condo associations — a new low for his campaign — Isaac is essentially admitting his insensitivity to struggling communities such as mine.  Though I have corrected Isaac on many occasions about these being pre-existing conditions before I joined the Boards and that we are working very hard to recover from years of corruption, Isaac continues on the same deceitful path.  Allow me to explain ONE MORE TIME.  As a director of my BUILDING, I have been part of a team that has made great strides in spite of the struggling economy.  As a director for the COMMON AREAS where four buildings are involved, I am only one of nine votes, and gathering funds has been difficult because some buildings have been hard-hit by foreclosures and delinquency.  However, we have addressed big projects that Isaac has been very careful NOT to mention — such as our sewer connection and our pool area.  Like most middle-class communities, we are prioritizing and doing the best we can.  ARE WE SUPPOSED TO APOLOGIZE FOR THAT?  I find that just a tad elitist. 

In Isaac’s political world:

  •  I am the one smearing him, when in fact I have spent much of this campaign defending myself and CORRECTING  his misleading statements.
  •  I have never attended commission meetings, when in fact he has seen me at several meetings, the last one being where Jeanette Gatto and Mayor Edelcup were sworn in.
  • I have promised employee unions tax dollars– This is an outrageous lie.   I would like Isaac to provide ANY evidence of this or issue a public apology.  This is not only insulting to me but to the union to which he is referring, which, judging from his previous mailing, must be the PBA.  

Given these facts, in Isaac’s political world, I am the one doing the smearing!  Isaac, you should give voters more credit than that.  Everyone can see what you are doing, and it is not very becoming.  How can people expect an ethical leader when he cannot run an ethical campaign?  The answer is simple. They can’t.

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Vote For Integrity on December 7th


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Isaac’s Team’s Tactics Are Deplorable

On Thursday, I was at Publix trying to speak to parents waiting to pick up their children at the school.  One of my volunteers was also there helping hand out palm cards and flyers.  We were approached by an older gentleman, who had actually followed my volunteer to where I was standing, so I introduced myself and handed him one of my palm cards, whereupon he gave me one of Isaac’s, which I found somewhat funny.  However, the conversation quickly escalated into a very aggressive situation.  The volunteer, whom I later found out is named Lieb Kamischev, became enraged and began screaming YOU ARE SPREADING LIES TOO!  I defended myself, but he kept on screaming over me, pointing his finger at me, and hushing me.  He began screaming YOU ARE NOT EVEN HISPANIC and YOU ARE TELLING PEOPLE YOU ARE JEWISH AND YOU ARE NOT!  I have never said such a thing.  I tried to explain to him that I attneded Yeshiva University, but I am not Jewiwh.  IMPOSSIBLE!  He screamed.  At that point, I saw I could not reason with him, so I walked away and tried to continue connecting with the parents.  He followed me and continued to scream senseless things about me not having the right to do this or the other.  And every time I began speaking with a person, he would come up behind me screaming and telling people DON’T VOTER FOR HER SHE IS CRAZY and repeating some ot the other ridiculous statements.  Clearly I was not dealing with a good person, so I took a pircture of him just in case the situation escalated and I would need to identify him. 

Aelion volunteer harassing opposing candidate and team

It turns out that this man has a long hisotry of abusive behavior, and is known for his ruthless slander in building politics, stooping as low as slandering of a Holocaust family by accusing them of being Nazis.  Residents of Winston Towers 500 can attest to this.  

MORAL OF THE STORY:  My opponent will go to any length to win and is more than willing to take on the services of people who know no boundaries or shame.  We, on the other hand, have run a clean and honest campaign because a candidate’s campaign is a reflection of how they will lead once elected.  


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Miami Herald:SIB Candidate Says Her Signs Keep Disappearing

By Howard Cohen

 Come campaign season — and, in Sunny Isles Beach, it still is campaign season for one open commission seat — political signs are a common sight.

But one candidate is singing the blues over what she sees as too few signs: her own.

Jeniffer Viscarra won the most votes in the general election in November in a three-person race for Commissioner Roslyn Brezin’s commission seat. Brezin is termed out.

But Viscarra did not go over the magic 50 percent number so she must face Isaac Aelion in a runoff election on Dec. 7.

Over the last few weeks, Viscarra claims 24 of her campaign signs were removed from RK properties in the city while Aelion’s remain visible up and down Collins Avenue, the main artery in the community.

“I lost a very important weekend of visibility in the city,” Viscarra said.

The problem? She says that Dan Katz, a top executive with RK Associates, a family-owned real estate development company that specializes in community shopping centers, reneged on a verbal agreement to allow her to place her signs on his properties.

Katz would not respond to two phone calls and an email.

“They are within their rights to do that,” Viscarra said.

According to the Sunny Isles Beach city code, the consent of the owner of the property is required to post political signs or distributed campaign materials on private property.

“Over the years, the city has placed the burden on the candidates to provide us with some form of notice that they have obtained the consent of the property owners,” said Sunny Isles Beach City Attorney Hans Ottinot.

“We do not request a lot information. Email consent notice from the candidate is sufficient,” he said.

“If the property owners have consented to the placement of the signs, the city has no issue with the signs. We take no action on private property unless we received a request from the owner.”

This way, Ottinot said, the city is able to deal with complaints from property owners or candidates efficiently.

“We do not want to be caught in a political game.”

However, Viscarra said she had consent from Katz but then he changed his mind. She said she was not called before going to the expense of printing and replacing signs. She estimates she spent $900 on the campaign signs.

“My opponent is a [RK] tenant,” said Viscarra, who said she met with the property owner. “They told me they were neutral and I can put up my signs.”

According to state records, Aelion runs a wine shop, Wines of Tuscany, located inside a shopping center owned by RK Associates.

Viscarra said she believed Aelion asked his landlord to take down her signs.

“I don’t begrudge them protecting their interest but don’t give me a song and dance about being neutral and trying to be fair,” she said.

For Entire Article go to:

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The Toughest Part of This Campaign: Keeping Up With Isaac’s Lies

In a recent mailing dated November 30th, 2010 my opponent makes some outrageous statements that I must address.  He claims that I am misleading voters, when the opposite is true.  

  1.  He claims that I have allowed the common areas of my condo to deteriorate.  This is the same misleading allegations he made in the previous election.  As explained in “Another Isaac, Another Lie”,  Isaac wants voters to make the false logical leap that, if I am on the Board, then such conditions are my fault.  Rather than acknowledge the progress we have made since we purged the Board of previous corruption, he points to what is left to be done.  Don’t worry, Isaac.  We’ll get there because  I AM PART OF THE SOLUTION to my community’s problems.   Why don’t you explain to voters why you are spending your community’s money on renovating a building in good condition?  Is this the way you will handle the tax payer’s dollars – on more projects we neither need nor want? 
  2. Because my community is facing difficult economic times and cannot fix everything at once does not prove that I cannot protect the children at my condo.  As explained above, the poor condition of some of the common areas in my condo precede my involvement on the board.  Yet Isaac wants to use this matter to discredit my proud endorsement of the Police Benevolent Association.  He is trying to fool voters into following this illogical sequence.  I am not responsible for pre-existing conditions and I was endorsed by the PBA because I AM THE BETTER CANDIDATE.  It’s that simple.   Pay attention voters!  I am not the one trying to mislead you.   
  3. I have not promised to try to annex Haulover Park into Sunny Isles.  This was the mayoral candidate’s idea.  Given the proper studies, community support, and financial feasibility, I would have supported it.  Mayor Edelcup won that race, and the Haulover idea I would have supported given the right conditions, is no longer on the table.  This is a none-issue.  Pay attention voters!  I am not the one trying to mislead you. 
  4. The palm card included in the mailing also sates: Everyone agrees Isaac is the choice for SIB Commissioner.  Everyone?  Really?  That’s not what voters had to say in November.  Pay Attention Voters!  I am not the one trying to mislead you. 

Isaac’s political tactic is the same as before:  Making things up.  On the other hand, I have neither hidden anything nor fabricated lies about my opponent.  We have respected his volunteers’ space and his campaign material (signs etc).  Our material, on the other hand has a way of disappearing or being torn down.  Our volunteers have been harassed (myself included) by Isaac’s cheating bunch – spreading lies even as I stood right there (more on this later).  Their camp knows no ethical bounds. Isaac and I agree on one thing, though.  THE CHOICE IS CLEAR



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Isaac Aelion Subject of Potential Investigation by Florida Elections Commission

In a letter dated November 2, 2010, the Florida Elections Commission informed Isaac Aelion that it has received a Complaint alleging that he has violated Florida Statute(s).  The Complaint is regarding the anonymous mailings endorsing him, Bob Welsh, and Mayor Edelcup, which were in direct violation of the election rules.

To see the FEC’s letter, click here:  FL.Election.Commission

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