The Sunny Isles Beach Reporter proudly supports Commissioner Bud Scholl’s re-election.
SIBR supports Commissioner Scholl not just because he has served, but because he has served well. He has helped the families of Sunny Isles through his involvement with the K-8 school addition, preserving and creating necessary green space and parks, including the rebuilidng of Newport Pier, and lowering the city’s property tax rates. He is not afraid to roll up his sleeves in commission meetings or behind the scenes. Most notably, though, Commissioner Scholl is known for his attention and availability to the community, and as such is a true representative of Sunny Isles Beach residents. In his years of service to our city, Commissioner Scholl has delivered. Therefore, we should all MAKE IT OUR GOAL TO RE-ELECT BUD SCHOLL!
Please refer to other postings on this page to learn how to vote early!
If you watch the SIB Commission meetings which are aired on channel 77, or if you have attended meetings, then you should understand why we strongly support Commissioner Bud Scholl.
This election is really a no-brainer. It is about integrity, excellence & re-electing a Commissioner who is not afraid to speak out in your best interest. WE NEED to re-elect COMMISSIONER BUD SCHOLL for another four years of excellence & integrity.
Why should Ivote for a Commissioner that seldom is here and represents the Developers not the folks that he is supposed to represent. Look at his record. Every vote is in favor of the Dezer’s . How can I forget his lone vote not to make the Temple an historical site. I bet you wiil not publish this post !
Mr. Bud Scholl has not done all that he has advertised. All items listed as he has stated were done with the complete commission not just by him. He is constantly out of town and has a very important job that he excels in. I wonder if it is possible to have allegiance to his city when he is not around for people to be able to communicate with him on city concerns.